Ignite Benevolence Fund - a storehouse for the needy

The donations you give help us to provide humanitarian aid and assistance including, clothing, shoes, toiletries, hygiene pads and basic necessities to poor and needy famiilies in the UK, Africa & Asia.

Alongside this, during very mission, we encourage, direct, counsel and comfort women and children escaping violent and abusive marriages.

Ignite Benevolence Fund is a mission fund set up specifically to pool the resources and financial contribtions of individuals, churches and organisations to become a storehouse for the needy and impoverished in the UK, Africa and Asia.


Donate towards MISSION INDIA [June 2018]

Having just returned from #Uganda in East Africa, we have literally got a few more days before we are off to India!! I am soooo looking forward to it and we covet your prayers. Missionary work is a labor of love which I wouldnt change for the world so we appreciate all of you who partner with us. These missions are wholeheartedly sponsored by the private contributions and support of ordinary people who wish to make a lasting difference to the lives of the #poor, the #needy, the #abused and the #hurting in the nations we visit. Alongside our humanitarian outreach, we always strengthen the brethen, preach the gospel and heal the broken hearted. Help us to be a blessing to the people of India >>>

Thank you.

Evangelist Vivien Rose