A lot of men lare looking for a Proverbs 31 Wife not understanding the Proverbs 31 Husband has a vital role to play in partnering with God to create the environment that enables his wife to develop these attributes. Every woman is equipped with the raw ingredients but no woman IS proverbs 31. She comes with the potential to become that as she develops herself and dedicates herself in service to God, her husband, home and community led by the Holy Spirit.
A Proverbs 31 woman is not limited to what she can’t do, she is free to express who she is and is given great scope to pursue the desires God places on her heart without fear. The power of the Proverbs 31 wife is directly linked to who covers and provides for her - her proverbs 31 husband.
You gotta read in between the lines of this scripture to get the full meaning of how the proverbs 31 woman comes about. This teaching on Proverbs 31 is a beautiful picture of the two (husband and wife) becoming ONE in every sense of the word.
Download now to enjoy this full teaching with intercessory prayers
Download now to enjoy this full teaching with intercessory prayers
by Evangelist Vivien Rose
Proverbs 31 Woman Unlocked
